Inspire Neurocare – online resources for stakeholders and families

Since Inspire Neurocare opened in March 2020, the team has worked hard to keep the people we support safe and well.

Unfortunately for individuals, families and our NHS and social care colleagues looking for specialist care, it's meant that the team has been unable to welcome you to visit in person.

Choosing the right support for people with very complex care conditions is a big decision for everyone concerned. While we are unable to welcome you in person, we hope that through our online resources - our virtual tour, brochure and videos about our outcomes, how we're keeping people safe and the role of our specialist Life Skills Facilitators - you are able to get a sense of the service. 

The Inspire Neurocare team is available via phone, email and video calls to answer any questions you may have about our approach, the support we provide and making a referral. Below is a list of resources for you, and to request a call back or arrange a video call, please contact us.  

Online resources

You can read online and download our new brochure here.

To request a copy of our brochure in the post, please email the Inspire team via the form below, giving your name and postal address.

Contact Number
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