Inspire Neurocare opened its doors on 29 February 2020, welcoming new residents and colleagues to our specialist neurocare service.
Here, Registered Manager Marc Russell reflects on a very different first year to what we expected. You can read more in our first anniversary newsletter.
As I write this in February 2021, I can't quite believe it's been nearly a year since we first opened the doors to Inspire Neurocare. When we celebrated with a Grand Opening Day for our first residents, our staff, our stakeholders and the local community, none of us could have imagined the challenges the year ahead would hold.
In our first year, Inspire Neurocare has become home to people living with the impact of neurological conditions – from brain injury, spinal injury, stroke and trauma to progressive illnesses. The people we support have transformed the atmosphere into a lively and fun environment - it's been a pleasure to see the service come to life. For obvious reasons, my focus for much of this year has been on keeping our residents safe and protected across every area of life. From day one, we've ensured our infection control measures that exceed the industry standard, so our enhanced processes mean we're doing everything possible to keep our service safe.
We have seen people with very serious impairments achieve life-changing outcomes – such as Adrian's incredible story. Seeing people achieve their goals and hearing from individuals and families about the difference our person-centred neurocare and rehabilitation has made is incredibly rewarding.
As we welcome more and more people into the service, we will be opening bedrooms and facilities on our second unit, and over the coming months will be joined by more colleagues to support these residents. As a team, we hope that the vaccination roll-out will allow the people we support and the wider population to enjoy more freedoms and opportunities to come together in 2021.
As we go into our second year, I am looking forward to seeing the service continue to grow and excel. I hope to be able to invite you to visit the service in person soon.
Registered Manager