Inspire Neurocare recognised for excellence in the Complex Care Provider of the Year category
We are so pleased to announce that Inspire Neurocare has been shortlisted as a finalist for this year’s HealthInvestor UK Complex Care Provider of the Year Award.
The Complex care provider of the year category celebrates service providers who have made an outstanding contribution to specialist healthcare. Our entry celebrates the outstanding work of our Life Skills Facilitators and our approach to neurocare and rehabilitation.
At Inspire Neurocare, we do not place a limit on the possibility of recovery; we understand that every person is different and requires a bespoke rehabilitation approach that draws on our team’s specialist skills and expert knowledge.
Whether that means enabling individuals to leave high dependency hospital units and develop their own independence in a modern, home-from-home environment, or providing long-term support or end of life care, our service is designed to work around the needs of each person.
Our sister companies Hamberley Care Homes and Hamberley Development have also been shortlisted for Residential Care Provider of the Year and Property Developer of the Year respectively, and our capital partners Patron Capital have been chosen as finalists for Private Equity Investor of the Year.
The winners will be announced in London on 8 June at the awards ceremony, and we wish everyone the best of luck.